On Site Caravan For Sale, Durras North near Batemans Bay on NSW South Coast

Keywords: onsite van, on-site van, on site van, onsite caravan, on-site caravan, on site caravan, caravan for sale

Are you looking for an on-site caravan on the NSW South Coast? Durras North could be the location you are seeking.

Each year, around two to three on-site caravans come up for sale at our holiday park.  Some of our regular “Vannies” have had their vans here for over 30 years.

We have the following vans for sale. Each has its own page with photos at the links below:

  • Van 61 is now for sale Van 61 link
  • Van 67 is now for sale Van 67 link
  • We have two unoccupied van sites, where you can install your own caravan/cabin and annex: site 63 (8 x 10m) and site 65 (7 x 11m)</

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Before considering purchasing , please consider the following:

  • The on-site vans can only be used for personal holiday purposes. You cannot live here full time.  The caravan can only be occupied for a maximum of 150 days in each calendar year (government regulation), and no longer than 42 nights in any one stay
  • You are a buying the caravan and the annex – you then need to pay an occupation fee (or rent) to the Holiday Park Management
  • This occupation fee covers the site, van storage and amenities use.  Electricity is included in the occupation fee.  No on-site caravans can have their own bathrooms, water connection or sewerage
  • The fee covers all visits by the two owners and their dependent school-aged children.  Other visitors to the van (by prior notification only) pay an overnight charge direct to the park (A=$15, C=$10)
  • Dogs are allowed for Van owners only.  A maximum of one dog per van.  Please note: Dogs are not allowed on the Durras North beach, or in the bush or lake , as these are part of the National Park, and fines will be issued by the rangers

Top ten tips for buying an On Site caravan

We suggest you also read this article written by Peter Counsell on the top ten tips for buying an onsite caravan.

If you are interested in buying an on site caravan for sale on the NSW South Coast here at Durras North, please email or call us on 02 4478 6072.