Batemans Bay Camping? Instead, consider Durras North for a more authentic camping experience.

A great way to experience the NSW South Coast, is to have a Batemans Bay Camping holiday. Batemans Bay is a 2 hour drive from Canberra or 4 hours from Sydney. There are no specific Batemans Bay camping grounds but campsites are available at most of the caravan … [Read more...]

Rainy day in Durras

With all the rain on the south coast lately, you may have been wondering what the local wildlife get up to. Watch this video to find out. [youtube=] … [Read more...]

Prawning in Durras Lake

  Prawning in Durras Lake is now possible as the lake is open to the ocean. It is easy and a lot of fun. But you must do it in the dark! Watch our video below for tips on how to go prawning with just a small hand net, a bucket and a prawning light. Just … [Read more...]

Durras Lake Opening

Durras Lake is not always open to the ocean. Generally the entrance closes and opens every 2-3 years depending upon rainfall and the ocean. The last time it opened was 21st June 2011. This time it was opened mechanically so we were able to give everyone plenty of … [Read more...]