9 Dec 2019 It’s a Tuesday and the week has already started... And life goes on. “That damn council why haven’t they emptied the rubbish bins? I had better have a word with them and see what the problem is.” Oh wait, what is that in the … [Read more...]

Bushfire update #2 – a drive in (videos)
6 Dec 2019 Due to wind shifts the fire came back again on Thursday 5 December and there was more drama – again north-west of our park and this time also north of our neighbours “Durras Beach North Holiday Park” formerly known as “Bundilla”. They have survived, as … [Read more...]

Bushfire update #1 – our park was saved by the firefighters
Tuesday 3 December 2019 The park is in good condition thanks to the great effort of the NPWS Rangers, the RFS Volunteers and the NSW Forestry workers. The ground teams and the fire bombers worked together wonderfully to protect our park and the on-site … [Read more...]
Durras Lake Closed – 30 Aug 2018
After three years of being open to the sea, the Durras Lake entrance closed on the 30 August 2018. Information sourced from NSW DPI What is an ‘ICOLL’? Many coastal lakes and lagoons alternate between being open or closed to the ocean. … [Read more...]