After being closed for a relatively short time, Durras Lake opened up naturally to the ocean at Durras North at 3pm, 12th October, 2012. The Lake had closed up on the 2nd August after being opened manually on the 26th June, 2011. Durras Lake is one of the most pristine “slow turnover” lakes in NSW. Durras Lake is very popular for its fishing, prawning, kayaking and the bushwalks along the Lake surrounds. It is part of the Murramarang National Park and Batemans Marine Park.
The catalyst for Durras Lake opening was a big storm with 250-300mm of rain within 24 hours. The video below covers this storm.
And just a few hours later, this is the result of the natural opening of Durras Lake.
This graph below shows the rapid increase in the Durras Lake height, and subsequent drop when the Lake opened at 3pm on the 12th October.
7th February, 2001. Opened naturally
20th September, 2003. Closed to the ocean
6th July, 2005. Opened naturally
10th April, 2006. Closed to the ocean
25th June, 2007. Opened manually
Staff party in middle of Lake! December, 2009
21st June, 2011. Opened manually
2nd August, 2012. Closed to the ocean
12th October, 2012. Opened naturally
Local iphone photographer and Durras North resident, Allan Heath, recorded the moment of opening in this beautiful photo at the bottom of this page. In the centre of the photo, you just make out the opening trickle which soon turned into a raging torrent. Click the photo for a larger view.
- Photography by Allan Heath