Durras Lake closed to the ocean on the 5th May, 2014. It last opened naturally on the 27th June, 2013. Though some prefer Durras Lake to be open to the ocean, the closure has many positive points. Primarily, this is part of its natural cycle and gives the Lake a … [Read more...]
The best caravan in the world
We've been searching for the best caravan in the world and found it in a side street, Marrickville, NSW, Australia. Not sure if everyone would agree with the title, but to the owners, it obviously is. Which we think is great. A caravan does not need to have every … [Read more...]
Durras Trip Advisor Owl
We always love reading our Durras Trip Advisor reviews. Even if they are not so good, at least we get to hear where any problems may be so we can respond. One of our regular guests, Narelle, showed me this beautiful shot of a Southern Boobook Owl that she … [Read more...]
Woofers (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) visit Durras North
"Woofers" (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) visit Durras Lake North Holiday Park In between working at the Real Christmas Tree Farm in Nowra, four Woofers (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) stayed at Durras Lake North Holiday Park. Quite a difference to … [Read more...]
Fridays on the Foreshore at Batemans Bay
Starting on the 3rd January, 2014 is a new event that will liven up Batemans Bay each Friday night over summer. Appropriately called Fridays on the Foreshore, it will be a mixture of markets stalls featuring arts and crafts. Local music will also be a … [Read more...]
Tilba Real Dairy Cheese
Tilba Real Dairy cheese is available at Durras North For the past 15 years, we have been stocking "Tilba Real Dairy Cheese" which is made locally in the Tilba-Tilba Valley, about an hour and a half drive south from Durras North. It is a family … [Read more...]
Our biggest Facebook Post – Kangaroos at Durras
One of our recent Facebook posts was viewed over 5000 times. Really surprising as what we regard as a daily occurrence was obviously of great interest to others. The photo of kangaroos at Durras was taken recently as I was walking to Durras Beach to check out … [Read more...]
Best Campsites near Sydney
We have a guest soon arriving from Sydney. As always, we were curious about how they knew about Durras North. (After all it is a secret!). Apparently we are rated as one of the best campsites near Sydney according to The Concrete Playground which is an "online … [Read more...]
Durras Lake opens to the Ocean June 27 2013
Durras Lake is open to the ocean once again. It closed on the 16th June and just 11 days later, reopened on the 27th June, 2013. This is the shortest time between openings for at least 30 years. Following very heavy rain over a few days, the Lake opened naturally. … [Read more...]
Durras Lake about to close to the ocean
Durras Lake is about to close to the ocean. Just a few centimetres of water was flowing over the ocean entrance at low tide today. Once the water doesn't flow over the entrance at both low and high tides, then the Lake is regarded as being closed to the ocean. At … [Read more...]